(Bonus) How Can Gratitude Improve Your Life?

Host Mark Riepe, joined by his team and past guests of 2024, explores the impact of gratitude on our long-term perspective through personal stories and academic research.

A Holistic Approach: Do You Need a Wealth Advisor?

Host Mark Riepe is joined by Senior Wealth Advisor Stephanie Shadel to explain holistic wealth management and the importance of understanding clients' personal histories and preferences.

How Do You Gauge the Impact of Washington on Your Finances?

Mark Riepe is joined by Michael Townsend to discuss the cognitive and emotional biases that influence political decision-making and unpack the gap between campaign promises and legislative realities.

A Hero's Journey: With Guests Ethan Gilsdorf, David Fajgenbaum & Kurt Gray

Framing the narrative of your life as an epic journey can give you control and meaning.

How Do You Plan for the Succession of a Business?

Austin Jarvis joins Mark Riepe to discuss succession planning for business owners and the unique challenges faced when keeping a business in the family or selling to a third party.

Rebel With a Cause: With Guests Francis Kelly & Christopher Bryan

Can resistance to authority be leveraged for positive change?

How Can You Plan for a New Pet?

Mark Riepe and Susan Hirshman discuss how to prepare for the responsibilities, costs, and emotional attachment that come with bringing home a pet.

On a High Note: With Guests Maurice Schweitzer & Matthew Polly

Is it possible to structure our experiences to remember them more fondly?

The Truth Is Out There: With Guests Tania Lombrozo & Toby Ball

The simplest answer isn’t always the right answer, despite how much we might want it to be.

To Know What You Know: With Guests David Dunning & Andrew Flack

In a great bit of irony, to truly know if you're good at something, you have to be good at it already.