Fundamental Analysis

Examine economic and financial factors to estimate a security's value.

What Is Dividend Yield?

Want to know how much cash flow you're getting for every dollar you've invested in a company? For companies that pay dividends, the Dividend Yield can give you an idea how a company's dividend payments relate to its stock price.

Fundamental Analysis Basics

Learn how the Company Profile tool on the thinkorswim® platform can help drill down fundamental analysis.

Trade Life Cycles: Entry and Exit Strategies

Learn about trade entry and exit strategies and how understanding the trade life-cycle process can help traders pursue their trading goals.

How to Value Company Stocks: P/E, PEG, and P/B Ratios

Learn how analysts use price-to-earnings (P/E), price/earnings-to-growth (PEG), and price-to-book (P/B) ratios to help value company stock.

Investing Basics: Fundamental Analysis

When deciding which stocks to buy, investors don't just guess. Learn how to use financial statements to decide if a stock is a good investment.

Financial Statements 101

Learn what's in financial statements and how investors use them to evaluate stocks.

Five Key Financial Ratios for Stock Analysis

Learn how these five key ratios—price-to-earnings, PEG, price-to-sales, price-to-book, and debt-to-equity—can help investors understand a stock's true value.

P/E Ratio Basics

Perhaps one of the most commonly used fundamental ratios is the price-to-earnings, or P/E, ratio. Discover how it can help you compare the valuation of two or more companies.

How to Compare Stocks Using Valuation Ratios

Using financial ratios can be a good way to compare companies of all sizes. Watch to learn how to break down the most common ratios and how to compare them.

Three Ways to Calculate Intrinsic Value

Watch to learn three methods for estimating an investment's intrinsic value: comparison, build up, and discounted cash flow.