Making Sense of the Current Economic Cycle

October 4, 2024 • Liz Ann Sonders • Kathy Jones
Kathy Jones and Liz Ann Sonders examine the current rate-cutting environment in the context of previous economic cycles.

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In this episode, Liz Ann and Kathy discuss the unique characteristics of the current economic cycle, emphasizing its differences from historical cycles. They explore the implications of geopolitical events on market behavior, the Fed's potential reactions to inflationary pressures, and the significance of historical Fed cycles in understanding market trends. 

Finally, Kathy and Liz Ann offer the outlook for next week's economic data and indicators.

You can read Liz Ann's articles on historical rate-cutting cycles: "What Past Fed Rate Cycles Can Tell Us" and "It's Time … For a Fed Pivot."

On Investing is an original podcast from Charles Schwab. 

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