Intervention Help
- Why did I get this screen?
- What are my options?
- What is a Security Code?
- How do I get a Security Code?
- What is a PIN?
- How do I get a PIN?
- How do I receive a mobile push notification?
- I need to immediately access my account. What should I do?
- What if I do not see my telephone number listed?
- What if I do not receive a call-back from Schwab?
- I've received an error message. What should I do?
- What do I do if I am traveling outside of the United States?
- What can I do to avoid re-authentication in the future?
Why did I get this screen?
You have reached this screen because we occasionally need to further verify your identity before allowing you to proceed to This screen is here for your protection, and can be related either to the location you are connecting from, or any number of other attributes related to your access attempt.
What are my options?
Please select one of the automated options before accessing For your protection we need to further verify your identity before allowing access to your accounts. The options are to enter a security code provided to you by an automated phone call, authorize with a mobile notification to the mobile app, enter a security code provided to you by text, or enter a PIN number provided to you by a Schwab representative. If you have any questions, please contact us at 888-999-4512. If you are calling from outside the United States, please contact Schwab by dialing the International Toll-Free access number for the country you are located in followed by 888-999-4512. You can obtain the International Toll-Free access number by following the instructions located on this page.
What is a Security Code?
A Security Code is a number given to you by Schwab through an automated telephone call or text. You must enter this code when prompted during the login process on our website. Choose "Schwab will call" or "Schwab will text" to obtain a Security Code.
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How do I get a Security Code?
To obtain a Security Code, select "Schwab will call" or "Schwab will text" when asked to choose an Authentication Method. With these methods, you may choose a telephone number attached to your client record at which you can receive a telephone call or text. Immediately after submitting this telephone number, an automated telephone call or text will be made to you, and our Web page will provide you with a form in which to enter your Security Code.
What is a PIN?
A PIN, also known as a Secure PIN, is a number given to you by a Schwab representative which you must enter when prompted during the login process on our website. Choose "Authenticate by Schwab PIN" to enter your Secure PIN.
How do I get a PIN?
If you already have a PIN, also known as a Secure PIN, and it remains valid, please select the option "Authenticate by Schwab PIN" and enter your Secure PIN in the form provided.
To obtain a Secure PIN, select "Authenticate by Schwab PIN" when asked to choose an Authentication Method. Use this method only if you have talked with a Schwab client representative and been provided with a Secure PIN. Secure PINs are valid for a limited period of time and are particularly useful to have if you know that you will need to access your Schwab accounts while away from any of your usual locations or computers.
To obtain a Secure PIN, please call a Schwab Representative at 888-999-4512. If you are calling from outside the United States, please contact Schwab by dialing the International Toll-Free access number for the country you are located in followed by 888-999-4512. You can obtain the International Toll-Free access number by following the instructions located on this page.
Thank you for helping us keep your accounts and secure.
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How do I receive a mobile push notification?
In order to authenticate using a mobile notification, you will need to download and login to the Schwab or thinkorswim mobile app. Once you have done this, the "Send a mobile notification" option will become available for any future authentications.
I need to immediately access my account. What should I do?
Please call a Schwab Representative at 888-999-4512. If you are calling from outside the United States, please contact Schwab by dialing the International Toll-Free access number for the country you are located in followed by 888-999-4512. You can obtain the International Toll-Free access number by following the instructions located on this page.
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What if I do not see my telephone number listed?
Please call a Schwab Representative at 888-999-4512. If you are calling from outside the United States, please contact Schwab by dialing the International Toll-Free access number for the country you are located in followed by 888-999-4512. You can obtain the International Toll-Free access number by following the instructions located on this page.
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What if I do not receive a call-back from Schwab?
You should receive an automated call-back from Schwab within one minute of submitting the number at which you prefer to receive the call. If you have not received this automated call-back after one minute, please call a Schwab Representative at 888-999-4512. Please note that Schwab will not call you and ask you for any personal or financial information.
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I've received an error message. What should I do?
If you receive an error message that does not allow you to proceed through the automated authentication system, please call a Schwab Representative at 888-999-4512.
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What do I do if I am traveling outside of the United States?
If you are calling from outside the United States, please contact Schwab by dialing the International Toll-Free access number for the country you are located in followed by 888-999-4512. You can obtain the International Toll-Free access number by following the instructions located on this page.
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What can I do to avoid re-authentication in the future?
You can obtain a Secure PIN from Schwab before you travel outside of the United States. This PIN will be valid for a limited time period. To obtain a Secure PIN, call Schwab at 888-999-4512.
Additionally, you can reduce the probability of a re-authentication request by using a Security Token. Security Tokens are small hardware devices that provide passcodes for use at Login in conjunction with your Login ID and Password. To obtain a Security Token, call Schwab at 888-999-4512.
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