Upbeat music plays throughout.
Onscreen text:
Cyber-Savvy Tips from Schwab
Take a pass on the Investment Scam
An animated illustration of an older woman and her adult daughter appears. The mother sits on a bench in a room with a bookshelf and some plants. Her daughter stands to her right.
Mother: Fraudsters think older people like me have lots of money lying around.
Daughter: So they try to scam our older loved ones like my mom with phony investments.
A computer window with an email inbox appears; then an opened email addressed to the mother fades in.
Mother: It could be a phone call or an email with a "great" proposal.
Onscreen text:
From: Bank of Northwest
To: Beth Smith
Daughter: They make big promises and pressure you to invest right away.
Mother: It sounds good, but I know how to deal with these scammers.
As the mother is talking, a delete button appears on the email. The mother makes a fist and punches the delete button, which sends the email text flying off the screen.
The email fades, and the room with the bookshelf and plants reappears. The mother and daughter are standing together; the daughter has her hand protectively on her mother's back. A padlock floats in on the left side of the screen and transforms into the SchwabSafe® icon.
Daughter: We all need to help keep our older loved ones safe online. So when scammers give them the hard sell...
Mother: ...tell them to say, "it's a hard NO!"
As the mother speaks, she raises her right arm, makes a fist, and smacks the palm of her left hand as she says "NO."
Voice over: Learn more at schwab.com/schwabsafe.
Onscreen text:
Brand music plays.
Onscreen text: Charles Schwab logo
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