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Transcript of the video:
A few piano notes play and the Charles Schwab logo appears on screen, then quickly animates off. The music transitions to be more upbeat with piano, drums and guitar.
The screen turns blue as the words "Meet Schwab Intelligent Income appear on screen", and a multicolored circle forms around the words.
Narrator: Meet Schwab Intelligent Income®.
The circle stays on screen as the words "Simple" and "Modern" animate in the middle.
Narrator: A simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio.
A tablet device animates on, replacing the circle, and shows a screenshot of the Schwab Intelligent Income interface with a portfolio allocation graphic on it showing a mix of fixed income, cash, commodities, and stocks strategies.
The tablet animates off and two multicolored, horizontal lines stacked on top of each other animate on.
Narrator: Tell us how much you have and how long you need it to last.
The numbers $600,000 and 30 years animate on top of the lines. Then the two lines merge into one and the numbers are replaced with $2,110/month.
Narrator: We'll estimate how much you could spend.
The lines and numbers disappear as four circles with icons in them animate on. The icons show a graduation cap, a plane, a house, and a golf course.
Narrator: Then, you can decide how you'll spend it.
The plane icon flies out of its circle.
The screen shifts again back to the portfolio allocation graphic on it showing a mix of fixed income, cash, commodities, and stocks strategies.
Narrator: You'll get a diversified portfolio of exchange-traded funds.
The tablet device animates off, and some text appears.
Onscreen Text: Manage complexity with automated, tax-smart withdrawals
Narrator: Schwab manages the complexity with automated, tax-smart withdrawals
The text animates away and new text animates, followed by an illustration of a paycheck.
Onscreen Text: One or multiple accounts
Narrator: in predictable paychecks from one, or multiple, accounts
Four multicolored squares animate on below the text and a white line connects the squares to the paycheck. These graphics animate off, and three circles animate on with icons inside them: a play button, a pause button, and a +/- sign.
Narrator: That you can start, stop, or adjust at any time with no penalties
The circles animate off and text animates on.
Onscreen Text: Ultimate Flexibility
The word flexibility animates up and down.
Narrator: for the ultimate flexibility
New text animates on screen replacing the text before.
Onscreen Text: You can have confidence in retirement.
Narrator: Helping you feel confident as your goals and life change in retirement.
A tablet device appears again, showing the graph with age on the X axis and Projected Balance on the Y axis and multiple lines that show conservative, average, and extreme projections for how long your money could last based on your inputs. To the right of the graph there is onscreen text: On Target $2,110 per month.
Onscreen Text: You're on target because your money has a 80% likelihood of lasting through age 95. We project you'll have $582,300 remaining in an average projection.
Narrator: With projection tools that provide ongoing monitoring so you always know where you stand
A bar graph appears, replacing the device. There are two bars one short one with the word Fees underneath and one taller one with the words Your $$$ underneath. The Fees bar animates down until it disappears and the Your $$$ bar grows taller.
Narrator: And since lower fees means more money for you to invest
Text animates in replacing the graph.
Onscreen Text: $0 Advisory Fee
Narrator: you pay no advisory fee
There's a pause in the narration, and more text animates on.
Onscreen Text: That's right $0 Advisory Fee
The screen changes to white, and some text is revealed.
Onscreen Text:
Schwab Intelligent Income®
Easily Adjustable + No Penalties + No Advisory Fee
Available with Schwab Intelligent Portfolios®
Narrator: Schwab Intelligent Income. Available with Schwab Intelligent Portfolios
The text disappears and is replaced by a blue square.
Narrator: Schwab, a modern approach to wealth management
The blue square turns around, revealing the Charles Schwab logo, the Own Your Tomorrow tagline.
Onscreen Text:
We encourage you to read the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solution disclosure brochures for important information, pricing, and disclosures. Before you enroll, it's important you understand any and all costs, including the role of cash and the way Schwab earns income from the cash allocation in your portfolio, which may affect performance, and how Schwab and its affiliates work together.
Schwab Intelligent Income® is an optional feature for clients to receive recurring automated withdrawals from their accounts. Schwab does not guarantee the amount or duration of withdrawals nor does it guarantee meeting Required Minimum Distributions. You may incur IRS penalties for early withdrawal of funds depending on the account type.
Just as if you'd invested on your own, you will pay the operating expenses on the ETFs in your portfolio - which includes Schwab ETFs™. The portfolios also include a cash allocation to FDIC-insured Deposit Accounts at Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank"). Schwab Bank earns income on these deposits, and earns more the larger the cash allocation. The lower the interest rate Schwab Bank pays on the cash, the lower the yield. Some cash alternatives outside of Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions pay a higher yield.
You may incur IRS penalties for early withdrawal of funds depending on what type of account you have.
Schwab Intelligent Income® is an optional feature available with Schwab Intelligent Portfolios®, which has no advisory fee and doesn't charge commissions, and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium®, which offers financial planning for an initial fee of $300 and a $30 per month advisory fee charged quarterly after that. Schwab does not charge an advisory fee for the SIP Program in part because of the revenue Schwab Bank generates from the Cash Allocation (an indirect cost of the Program).
Please read the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions disclosure brochures for important information, pricing, and disclosures relating to Schwab Intelligent Portfolios and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium programs. Visit for details. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium® are made available through Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. ("Schwab"), a dually registered investment advisor and broker dealer. Portfolio Management for the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios is provided by Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. ("CSIM"), a registered investment adviser and an affiliate of Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. ("Schwab"). CSIM and Schwab are separate entities and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation.
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