How to start investing at Schwab
Transcript of the video:
The clip begins with a static top-down shot of a desktop. We see part of a plant, a coffee cup, a pen, part of a tablet, and a notepad with "To do list" written on top. The following tasks are listed below: Link bank account, Transfer cash, Research stocks using Schwab Lists, Place a trade, Purchase fractional shares, Research ETFs or mutual funds using Schwab Lists, Build an ETF or mutual fund portfolio, and Monitor positions.
A hand enters the frame and picks up the coffee cup, then places it back down.
Narrator: Welcome to Schwab, your home for modern investing. We'll take you through an overview of some of the tasks, tools, and tips important for new investors.
We cut to a closer view of the notepad with a focus on the first two tasks: "Link bank account" and "Transfer cash."
Begin by funding your account, most commonly done by transferring funds from your bank account.
The frame cuts to a full screenshot of the client Account Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change, and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
To begin, roll over "Move Money" and click "Transfers & Payments." Then click "Link or delete external bank accounts."
We see the cursor roll over "Move Money" in the main nav and click "Transfers & Payments." This brings up a new page where we see the cursor click "Link or delete external bank accounts."
Using your financial institution's login credentials, follow the step-by-step instructions laid out, and within just a few minutes, your account will be linked.
The page refreshes to the External Accounts tab, and the cursor selects a financial institution. On the next page, we see a username and password typed in.
Now you'll be able to transfer money from that account.
From the Transfers & Payments page, click "Online Transfers."
We cut to the Transfers & Payments page and see the cursor click "Online Transfers."
Then, you'll input the details of your transfer, including the accounts you want to transfer to and from, the amount and date, and whether this will be a one-time or recurring transfer.
We see the cursor select accounts, a transfer amount of $5,000.00 is typed in, and the cursor clicks the green "Continue" button.
Then, review and confirm your transfer details.
We cut to a page with all the details of the transfer listed, and the cursor hovers over the green "Submit" button.
Once your account is funded, it's time to get invested.
We cut back to a zoomed-in view of the "To do list," with a focus on "Research stocks using Schwab Lists." The previous tasks have been checked.
If you're interested in investing in stocks, our Schwab Stock Lists are a convenient way for investors to find top-ranked companies.
We cut to a full screenshot of the client Accounts Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
To access, roll over "Research," then click "Stocks." From this page, click "Schwab Stock Lists"
The cursor rolls over "Research" in the main nav and clicks "Stocks." We cut to a Research Tools page, where we see the cursor click "Schwab Stock List™."
Browse based on factors like Analyst Ratings, Price Performance, and more.
We cut to a page with a list of stocks and their corresponding price data. As the cursor clicks on several tabs at the top of the page (Analyst Ratings, Price Performance), the corresponding data appears on the page.
You can choose several stocks to compare more deeply . . .
As we scroll down the Price Performance list, the cursor selects three symbols. The cursor then clicks the "Compare" button at the bottom of the page.
. . . and review a wide range of information, including performance charts, fundamentals, ratings, and more.
We cut to a page that shows side-by-side details for each of the selected symbols. We scroll down the page and see several categories of data.
We cut back to a zoomed-in view of the "To do list," with a focus on "Place a trade." The previous task has been checked.
When you're ready to place a trade, head to the All-In-One Trade Ticket.
The frame cuts to a full screenshot of the client Account Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
Roll over "Trade," then click "All-In-One Trade Ticket."
The cursor rolls over "Trade" in the main nav and clicks "All-In-One Trade Ticket." We cut to the All-In-One Trade Ticket page.
Designed to make trading intuitive, the tool populates relevant data as you build your order, starting with the symbol and strategy. From there, choose to buy or sell and enter the number of shares you want to trade.
The cursor clicks the "Symbol" field, and we see XYZ typed in. Market data about "XYZ Fantasy Inc" automatically appears to the right. Then the cursor clicks a dropdown labeled "Action" and selects "Buy." The cursor then clicks a "Quantity" box, and the number "200" is typed in.
Then choose the order type and timing, and you're ready to review your order.
The cursor then clicks a dropdown labeled "Order Type" and selects "Market Order." Then the cursor clicks the green "Review Order" button.
Then, just confirm the details to place your trade.
We cut to a "Verify Order" screen with the trade's details summarized. The cursor hovers over a "Place Order" button.
We cut back to a zoomed-in view of the "To do list," with a focus on "Purchase fractional shares." The previous task has been checked.
You may choose to buy fractional shares of any stock in the S&P 500 for as little as five dollars with Schwab Stock Slices.
The frame cuts to a full screenshot of the client Account Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
To begin, roll over "Trade," then click "Schwab Stock Slices."
The cursor rolls over "Trade" in the main nav and clicks "Schwab Stock Slices™." We cut to the Schwab Stock Slices page. The page contains a list of over 500 stocks with the ability to filter by sector on the left-hand side of the page.
You can search for or browse stocks and choose up to 30 at a time.
We scroll down the page a bit and see the cursor select three stocks, then click the green "Continue" button. We cut to an Enter Details page, where we see the three selected stocks listed along with price data.
Then, enter the amount you'd like to invest, and it will be divided evenly among your selected stocks.
We see the cursor click a blank field labeled "Amount to invest," and the amount "3,000.00" is typed in. The cursor then clicks the green "Review Your Selection" button. We cut to a Summary of Your Order page.
Review and confirm your order to become an owner of fractional share of a stock.
We scroll down the page seeing detailed information about each stock and how the $3,000 is split evenly among them. The cursor hovers over the "Place Order(s)" button.
We cut back to a zoomed-in view of the "To do list," with a focus on "Research ETFs or mutual funds using Schwab Lists." The previous task has been checked.
If you're more interested in investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded products, which include ETFs, you can also use Select Lists for starting your research.
The frame cuts to a full screenshot of the client Account Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
To access, roll over "Research" and click the product you're interested in. From this page, click "Select List."
The cursor rolls over "Research" in the main nav and clicks "Mutual Funds." We cut to a Research Tools page, where we see the cursor click "Schwab Mutual Fund OneSource Select List®."
From here, you can browse our list of rigorously evaluated ETFs or mutual funds.
We cut to a page with a list of Mutual Funds and their corresponding price data, with a set of filters on the left. As we scroll down, the cursor selects three mutual fund symbols and then clicks the "Compare (up to five)" button.
When comparing ETFs or mutual funds, you'll see information, including facts and fees, third-party opinions, performance, and more.
We cut to a Mutual Fund Compare page with several tabs to choose from: Facts & Fees, Opinions & Analysis, Performance & Chart, Portfolio, and Custom. The cursor clicks two of the tabs, and the pages refresh to show the corresponding data.
We cut back to a zoomed-in view of the "To do list," with a focus on "Build an ETF or mutual fund portfolio." The previous task has been checked.
If you'd prefer help when investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded products, which include ETFs, the personalized Portfolio Builder simplifies the process.
The frame cuts to a full screenshot of the client Account Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
To start, roll over "Research" and click the product you're interested in. From this page, click "Portfolio Builder."
We see the cursor roll over "Research" in the main nav and click "Mutual Funds." We cut to a Research Tools page where we see the cursor click "Portfolio Builder."
Here, select the type of investments you're looking for . . .
We cut to a page with the question "What type of investments are you looking for?" There are three options: Mutual Funds with taxable bonds, Mutual Funds with municipal bonds, and Exchange Traded Funds. The cursor selects "Mutual Funds with municipal bonds," then clicks the green "Continue" button.
. . . your risk profile . . .
We cut to the next question in the process, "What do you want from your portfolio?" There are five options ranging from Conservative to Moderately Conservative to Moderate to Moderately Aggressive to Aggressive. The cursor selects "Moderately Conservative" and clicks the green "Continue" button.
. . . and your initial investment amount.
We cut to the final question in the process, "What's your initial investment?" We see the cursor click the blank field, and the amount "$20,000" is typed in.
The tool will then generate suggestions for several categories of funds, including U.S. Large Cap, Small Cap, International, and Fixed Income. You can customize the allocations as you want and buy the selected funds all at once for your own fund portfolio.
We cut to a Portfolio Builder screen that recaps the selections just made. As we scroll down the page, we see sections dedicated to each of the fund categories mentioned. The cursor selects one of five options for each category. At the bottom of the page, the cursor hovers over the green "Trade" button.
We cut back to a zoomed-in view of the "To do list," with a focus on "Monitor positions." The previous task has been checked.
Once you've purchased stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded products, which include ETFs, they will be listed in your open positions . . .
The frame cuts to a full screenshot of the client Account Summary page. Personal Value, Day Change, and 6 Month Change appear above a graph.
. . . viewable by selecting "Accounts," then "Positions."
We see the cursor roll over "Accounts" in the main nav and click "Positions." We cut to the Positions page with rows of market data for different stock symbols.
You can see information like Quantity, Price Change, and Gain/Loss . . .
We see the cursor roll over the columns as they are mentioned.
. . . and conveniently perform tasks like buying or selling shares,
We see the cursor click a dropdown at the end of a row that shows options to buy or sell shares, view charts, company news, options, and set alerts.
. . . choosing to reinvest potential dividends, setting price alerts, or pulling up company news.
The cursor moves over to a column labeled "Reinvest?" and clicks "Yes." A small window pops up showing Reinvestment Instructions with the option to select "Do Not Change."
We cut back to a new top-down view of the desk. On top of the notepad with the "To do list" is a pen, a case for the tablet, and the tablet itself with the Charles Schwab logo on it.
We hope this has helped jump-start your Schwab experience. Be sure to check out other videos in our How To Center to help you get the most from
We cut to a dark blue background with text that reads, "Visit for more videos."
The screen fades to the Charles Schwab logo with the following disclosures beneath:
Investment Products: Not FDIC-Insured * No Bank Guarantee * May Lose Value
Investing involves risks, including loss of principal.
The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, consult with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, financial planner, or investment manager.
Investors should consider carefully information contained in the prospectus or, if available, the summary prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Please read it carefully before investing.
[line break is missing here in video]
Schwab Stock Slices is not intended to be investment advice or a recommendation of any stock. Investing in stocks can be volatile and involves risk, including loss of principal. Consider your individual circumstances prior to investing.
The "S&P 500® Index" is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates ("SPDJI") and has been licensed for use by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("CS&Co."). Standard & Poor's® and S&P® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC ("S&P"; Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC ("Dow Jones"). Schwab Stock Slices is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, or their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of using Schwab Stock Slices or investing in any security available through Schwab Stock Slices, nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 Index.
The trademarks/logos appearing in this ad are owned by their respective owners and are used for informational purposes only to identify the public companies whose stock may be available for purchase through the Schwab Stock Slices™ program and does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Charles Schwab and any of the companies that own those trademarks/logos.
The Charles Schwab Corporation provides a full range of brokerage, banking, and financial advisory services through its operating subsidiaries. Its broker-dealer subsidiary, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (Member SIPC), offers investment services and products, including Schwab brokerage accounts. Its banking subsidiary, Charles Schwab Bank, SSB (member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender), provides deposit and lending services and products.
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Start investing at Schwab in just a few steps. This video demonstrates common tasks that will get you on the path to investing.