Video intro plays
Narrator: Looking to place a multi-leg options trade? Click on Trade and click Options.
Trade, then Options is selected
Narrator: To begin, look up the name of the security you'd like to trade. Then, click Strategy and select the appropriate multi-leg option strategy. Once you have selected the symbol and strategy, a menu will appear where you'll be able to view and make your selections for the option contracts you'll be trading.
A security is searched, then the strategy drop-down is selected
Narrator: Clicking on the link icon will open the options chain popup, where you can select different option contracts. The table displays details for each option. The strike price can be found in the center column of the table. The column directly to the left of the strikes will display the calls, while the column on the right will display the puts. Contracts that are "in the money" will be highlighted blue, while those which are "out of the money" will be highlighted white. Once you select your desired option, fill out the remaining relevant details for your order.
Link icon is selected, and various sections are highlighted
Narrator: You'll then be able to see the estimated amount of your order, which is calculated based on the quantity of contracts you've selected. Keep in mind that most option contracts represent 100 shares of the underlying security. Once you click on Review Order, you'll see an overview of the information you've provided.
Review order is selected
After reviewing this information, click on Place Order to place your trade.
Place Order is selected
Video outro plays