- My name is Adam Paulsen.
I'm a Fixed Income Specialist, and I help clients with their bond-investing needs.
I've been at Charles Schwab for almost 15 years.
The typical client that I work with is approaching retirement
or already retired, and they're looking to rebalance to potentially reduce volatility, add income to their portfolio, and increase overall stability.
Let me give you an example of a client that I've worked with in the past.
He had recently sold a business and was looking to put a portfolio together.
Historically, he had been invested in equities and was uncomfortable with the volatility.
After making an assessment of his situation, fully understanding his goals and objectives and what he was trying to accomplish, I recommended a series of ladder bonds that went out over a number of years to help generate income.
I still have an ongoing relationship with this client--we do speak from time to time.
Typically, when one of his bonds matures or is called, I'll help him with the reinvestment.
He knows he can rely on somebody who knows his situation, knows where he is, and has his best interests in mind.
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