Animation: Video intro plays
Narrator: Looking to get the most out of your experience?
First, let's explore the Accounts section, where you'll be able to easily manage funds and view information about your accounts. Your Total Value will be displayed at the top of the Accounts page. Next, under Accounts, you'll be able to see all the accounts which are contributing to your Total Value. If you'd like to view additional information about a specific account, simply select the account.
Animation: Account is selected
Narrator: Here, you'll be able to quickly monitor various details of an account such as its Market Value, Day Change, Gain or Loss, and more. To conveniently perform tasks with positions you currently hold, select the dropdown menu found to the right-most side of each position.
Animation: Dropdown menu is selected
Narrator: Here, you'll be able to buy or sell shares, set security alerts, analyze transaction history and more. To modify the columns displayed under Positions Details, click Settings. Then, simply select which columns you'd like to display, adjust their column order, and click Apply.
Animation: Settings is selected, then columns are clicked
Narrator: To fund your account, navigate to Move Money.
Animation: Move Money is selected
Narrator: This is where you'll be able to directly manage the funds in your accounts. Features include transferring funds, sending a wire, paying bills, transferring an account, and more. Simply select your desired action and follow the on-screen instructions to continue. Additional features such as check deposits are available through the Schwab Mobile app.
If you're looking to place a trade, navigate to Trade and select All-In-One Trade Ticket.
Animation: Trade is selected, then All-In-One Trade Ticket
Narrator: From here, you'll be able to trade a variety of securities from a single location. Trade types include Stocks & ETFs, and Mutual Funds. Simply select your desired strategy from the drop-down menu and search for the security you'd like to trade. Then, proceed by completing the trade ticket with your order details.
To manage your account, navigate to Profile. From here, you'll be able to manage various account settings. Features include managing your Security Settings, updating your Contact Information, managing your Beneficiaries, selecting your Paperless preferences and more.
To access these features on the go, download the Schwab Mobile app at
Animation: Video outro plays