On a High Note: With Guests Maurice Schweitzer & Matthew Polly

September 23, 2024
Is it possible to structure our experiences to remember them more fondly?

After you listen

Danny Kahneman's insights have practical applications across a variety of fields, but the biases and heuristics that he explored can be especially pernicious in our financial lives. 

  • For tips on how to better approach important financial decisions—and to guard against the mental shortcuts that can lead to mistakes when it comes to money and investing—check out the Financial Decoder podcast.

Do you recall the best concert you ever went to? Best trip? Best meal? Chances are good that a few memories come to mind—maybe not every detail of the event, but perhaps a couple great moments. It can go the opposite way, too. Worst travel experience. Worst date. Our memory works in snapshots of particular parts of our experience.

In this episode of Choiceology with Katy Milkman, we look at a predictable distortion in the way people remember experiences. And we’re doing it in part to honor a very special memory: the memory of the great Daniel Kahneman. He was a Nobel laureate, international best-selling author, repeated Choiceology guest, and a co-founder of the field that is at the heart of this show: behavioral economics. 

Our opinion of an experience is shaped by which parts we remember most. The same can hold true for how we remember people. Matthew Polly is the best-selling author of Bruce Lee: A Life, a biography of the late great Bruce Lee. He retells the story of how this legendary martial artist, actor, and cultural icon is understood in our collective memory. And then he reveals certain nuances in his biography that may change the way you perceive his legacy.

Next, Katy speaks with Maurice Schweitzer, the Cecilia Yen Koo Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Maurice explains how this memory distortion can be leveraged to better retain staff, improve your experience at work, have better conversations with colleagues, and even plan a more enjoyable vacation. He's also the author of Friend and Foe: When to Cooperate, When to Compete, and How to Succeed at Both.

Learn more about behavioral finance. 

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