Schwab Intelligent Portfolios will go toe-to-toe with anyone.
Schwab Intelligent Portfolios is automated investing where our robo-advisor builds, monitors, and automatically rebalances a diversified portfolio based on your goals. Plus, you can get started with as little as $5,000 to invest.
Schwab Intelligent Portfolio table
Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® |
J.P. Morgan Automated Investing (Closing Q2 2024)1 |
Betterment Digital |
Wealthfront |
Fidelity Go® | E*TRADE Core Portfolios | |
Advisory fees | No advisory fee charged | 0.35%* | 0.25% | 0.25% |
No advisory fee <$25,000 0.35% per year $25,000+ |
0.30% |
Tooltip | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |
24/7 phone and live chat support from U.S.-based service professionals | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Option to access a Tooltip for an additional cost |
Yes (Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium®) |
No |
Yes (Betterment Premium) |
No |
No | No |
Just as if you'd invested on your own, you will pay the operating expenses on the ETFs in your portfolio, which includes Schwab ETFs™.
We believe cash is a key component of an investment portfolio. Based on your risk profile, a portion of your portfolio is placed in an FDIC-insured deposit at Schwab Bank. Some cash alternatives outside of the program pay a higher yield. See more information.
Competitors' information obtained from their respective websites as of 4/5/23. Pricing and offers are subject to change without notice.
1J.P. Morgan information obtained from the Chase website as of 12/10/23. A 12/12/23 Barron's article stated that J.P. Morgan plans to discontinue its purely digital robo-advisor in the second quarter of 2024 and that it is no longer taking on new customers.
*ETF expenses paid to J.P. Morgan will be rebated or offset against the advisory fee.
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