Schwab Intelligent Portfolios will go toe-to-toe with anyone.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios is automated investing where our robo-advisor builds, monitors, and automatically rebalances a diversified portfolio based on your goals. Plus, you can get started with as little as $5,000 to invest.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolio table

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® J.P. Morgan Automated Investing
(Closing Q2 2024)1
Betterment Digital Wealthfront
Fidelity Go® E*TRADE Core Portfolios
Advisory fees  No advisory fee charged 0.35%* 0.25% 0.25% No advisory fee <$25,000

0.35% per year $25,000+
Tax-loss harvesting Tooltip Yes No Yes Yes No No
24/7 phone and live chat support from U.S.-based service professionals Yes No No No No No
Option to access a CFP® Professional Tooltip for an additional cost  Yes
(Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium®)
No Yes
(Betterment Premium)
No No

Just as if you'd invested on your own, you will pay the operating expenses on the ETFs in your portfolio, which includes Schwab ETFs™.

We believe cash is a key component of an investment portfolio. Based on your risk profile, a portion of your portfolio is placed in an FDIC-insured deposit at Charles Schwab Bank. Some cash alternatives outside of the program pay a higher yield. Please Note: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. is not an FDIC-insured bank and deposit insurance covers the failure of an insured bank. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. is a brokerage firm and a member of SIPC, which provides protection for brokerage account assets. Certain conditions must be satisfied for FDIC insurance coverage to apply. See more information.

Competitors' information obtained from their respective websites as of 4/5/23. Pricing and offers are subject to change without notice.

1J.P. Morgan information obtained from the Chase website as of 12/10/23. A 12/12/23 Barron's article stated that J.P. Morgan plans to discontinue its purely digital robo-advisor in the second quarter of 2024 and that it is no longer taking on new customers.

*ETF expenses paid to J.P. Morgan will be rebated or offset against the advisory fee.
